Acts & Rules

Biological Diversity Act, 2002:
The Biological Diversity (BD) Act, 2002 was enacted by the Parliament of India to conserve biological diversity, sustainably use its components and ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources. National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) was established in 2003 to implement the BD Act. NBA is a statutory, autonomous body and it performs facilitative, regulatory and advisory functions.

Biological Diversity Rules 2004:
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 62 of the Biological Diversity Act , 2002, and in supersession of the National Biodiversity Authority ( salary, Allowances and conditions of service of Chairperson and other Members ) Rules, 2003 except as respect to things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules

Telangana Biological Diversity Rules 2015 :
Procedure for Access to / Collection of Biological Resources:

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ABS applications

Application Forms / Procedure

Application Fee

Guidelines for filling up of Forms

FORM I (see rule 16(1))
Telangana Biological Diversity Rules 2015
G.O.Ms.No.67 (Amendment of Rule 16
of Telangana Biological Diversity Rules, 2015)
Form I
FORM II (see Rule 17) Rs.5,000/- Form II
FORM III (See rule 18) Rs.5,00/- Form III
FORM IV (See rule 19)) Rs.10,000/- Form IV
  • For (Form – I)Pay the application fee in the form of Demand Draft in favour of " Member Secretary Telangana Biodiversity Board " payable at Hyderabad, India. Applicant should bear the bank commission, routing, exchange and money transfer charges.
  • For (Form – II, III & IV) Pay the application fee in the form of Demand Draft in favour of " National Biodiversity Fund " payable at Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Applicant should bear the bank commission, routing, exchange and money transfer charges.
  • Cash Payments for the fee will not accepted.
  • Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Assocaited Knowledge and Benefits Sharing Regulations, 2014

Other Acts

The Patent Act 1970
Patent is a grant or right to exclude others from making, using or selling one's invention and includes right to license others to make, use or sell it. It is an official document conferring a right or privilege, letters patent; writing securing to an inventor for a term of years the exclusive right to make, use and sell his invention; the monopoly or right so granted.

The Wildlife Protection Act 1972
The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted for protection of plants and animal species. Before 1972, India only had five designated national parks. Among other reforms, the Act established schedules of protected plant and animal species; hunting or harvesting these species was largely outlawed.

The Indian Forest Act, 1927
This Act recognizes forest dwellers' rights and makes conservation more accountable.