Biodiversity Conservation & Documentation Through Integration of Rain Water Harvesting With Fish Genetic Resources for Livelihood Security.


The link between agriculture and biodiversity has changed over time. Evidence indicates that certain changes can decrease sustainability and productivity of the systems. Loss of diversity also reduces the availability of resources for future. The natural populations of many species of livestock breeds and fish genetic resources are increasingly at risk. Necessary conservation and enhancement initiatives are, therefore, needed in such diversity rich areas to prioritize species for conservation, monitor key species status, improving the use of these valuable resources in supporting production systems and ensuring that communities in these areas obtain full benefits from the use of these resources.

In this project ponds will be constructed for water harvesting in the selected villages of Mahaboobnagar which will be essentially used for irrigation. Also, beneficiary will be earning livelihood by fish culture in integration with horticulture at the trenches developed for water harvesting. Through this innovative integration water, fish, plants & animals will be conserved.

In the present scenario fish farmers are only culturing Indian major Carps thus slowly with the time span other fishes of the area are getting extinct. Through this project the farmers will be enlightened with importance of fish biodiversity. They will be trained on fish farming, post harvest products of fisheries & ornamental fish culture. Also, propagation of indigenous species such as Calbasu and magur (Labeo calbasu, minor carps, Clarias batrachus) will be accomplished. To earn maximum profit with the biodiversity integrated aquaculture (fish and prawn) with poultry & paddy will be also introduced. The farmers will be trained on fish farming, post harvest products of fisheries & ornamental fish culture.

Further, when on-farm conservation research has identified genetically important populations of animal breeds and fish genetic resources and farming systems that are priorities for conservation, it may be appropriate to assess different options for "adding value" to these populations, or in other words increasing the benefits that farmers get from maintaining animal breeds and managing fish in a given social, economic and ecological context. By understanding their importance in farming systems, farmers have to continue to harvest water, maintain local crops, livestock breeds and aquatic diversity resulting in on-farm conservation and enhanced livelihood security on sustainable basis. An important component of on-farm research will, therefore, be to investigate which strategies can be used to add value to local diversity and support farming systems associated with high genetic diversity. The present project proposal has therefore integrated fish, animal & plant to restore the biodiversity as well as to generate livelihood for the beneficiaries.

The Specific Objectives of the Project

  • Rain water harvesting, storage and effective utilization.
  • Assessment and documentation of on- farm biodiversity for livelihood.
  • Development of an information management system to facilitate planned intervention for conservation, sustainable utilization of targeted species/population and enhanced market access, by PBRs.
  • Capacity building in fish biodiversity management for livelihood security


Contact Person

Dr. Shilpi Sharma

Principal Investigator