National Agriculture Innovative Project (NAIP)

Harmonizing biodiversity conservation and agricultural intensification through integration of plant, animal and fish genetic resources for livelihood security in fragile ecosystems"

A.P.State Biodiversity Board has implemented the project "Harmonizing biodiversity conservation and agricultural intensification through integration of plant, animal and fish genetic resources for livelihood security in fragile ecosystems" at Adilabad district under Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security (component-3) of NAIP. The total budget for the project to the AP State Biodiversity Board is Rs.99.02 lakh for four years. This project is implemented in three district of India, namely Chamba (Himachal Pradesh), Udaipur (Rajasthan) and Adilabad (Andhra Pradesh). In which four mandals (Indervelly, Khanapur, Kerameri and Bheemini) are selected for the above project. In the project two Senior Research Fellow (SRF) namely Dr. Shilpi Bhardwaj and Mr. G. Sailu are appointed.

Firstly the project started with the brainstorming session and exhibition of land races at Adilabad. Followed by Baseline Survey of the four selected mandals (Kerameri, Khanapur, Bheemini, & Indervelly). On the basis of the survey thousand beneficiaries are selected from the four selected Mandals.

A vermicompost plant has been setup at Pembi, Khanapur Mandal, under Biodiversity Management Committee (BMCs) made at Pembi Khanapur Mandal. For the distribution of Superior Germplasm Ongol bull has been purchased and provided to BMC of Pembi. To minimize mortality and morbidity loss awareness of animal health care and vaccination camp has been conducted in the month of November and February. Approx 5000 animals were benefited. Mineral mix are also provided to the beneficiaries.